
Labo Professor Photo

Two students from University of North Texas stayed in our lab..
2008. 5. 25-

Members in our lab and University of North Texas visited to Izumo Campus.
2008. 5. 27

  At labo.
  2008. 6. 17
 Our lab members and international exchange students visiting Grand Shrine of Izumo.    2008. 6. 22
Our lab members and international exchange students visited to Hinomisaki.
2008. 6. 22


Prof, Fujita and international exchange students visiting Kiyomizu-temple, Yasugi and Wkou-museum.
2008. 6. 24

Our lab members and a student from University of North Texas visiting Daisenn.
2008. 7. 13
One of the students from University of North Texas returned to US.
Prof,Fujita and our lab members seeing a student off at Izumo airport in the morming.
2008. 7. 17
Our lab members and a student of University of North Texas enjoyed Horikawa Meguri.
2008. 7. 20

Our lab members attended the Japan Society of Applied Physics

of Chugoku and Shikoku area brunch (Ehime).
2008. 8. 2

